Once you have registered as a user, please contact with your booth name and your user name. We will then "release" your booth to you for editing. Please choose your booth once you've received confirmation, then select "Edit" in the menu directly above. You can preview any changes, then save them. Select "Publish" after you save, and your creation will appear in your booth!
Photos and Video content can be placed alongside your text.
Please remember that this is a work in process. We will find bugs, and will fix them as soon as possible. New features will be added as we go along.
This is a free service from The Pennsic Independent. Pennsic would not be Pennsic without a Marketplace! We also want to provide a venue for all merchants to recoup some of what they have lost from canceled events. However, we still have bills to pay and no Pennsic income to pay them. If you would like to help out, please send any amount you can via PayPal to