Originally published at Pennsic 39, 2010 Common Era
I’ve got a plan. There is a bar in Belgium called “Delirium.” It has a pink elephant logo and a beer list of over 2500 beers. All the ones you could never find and many we have never heard of. The Quiche Bar at the Craigellachi Hotel in Scotland has 659 different brands of scotch to serve you. Some are at a couple of hundred dollars a dram and are well worth it, or so I am told. There is another bar in Poland with a back bar of more than 500 different vodkas. It is a great way to lose some evenings or even a couple of months. They are all on my “to do” list as soon as I win the lottery. You would be surprised at how long this dream list is but one has to have a plan. To walk the streets and taste the wares of such places as Champagne, Bourbon and Cognac and to tour the Promised Land: The Guinness Plant. Do not think everything I wish is overseas. There is a place in Lynchburg, Tennessee that is a must-see. Not everything involves alcohol. I want to make all the great Wars, Crown Tournaments and Coronations. I want to make it to all the events that I never found the cash or the time to get to. The mundane world always gets in the way. I have never wanted a belt of any color. Never wanted to work that hard. Maybe I’m lazy. Maybe I just enjoy being OG too much. Get in armor, get a fighter card, go out on the field, get hit once and come back to camp to grab a beer and say, “Yes, I was There!” That would be cool. Lords and Ladies! Charge your glasses and raise them high! To the list we all have. Call them dreams, plans or schemes. Or let us simply call it the “SCA Bucket List.” May all your dreams never come true. The joy is in the journey, not in the goal. To you and yours: Dream On.
Drink well. Drink often. Drink with…