Photo by: Sean Sreamach
Duchess Sir Elina of Beckenham, OL, OR, OP, KSCA
The hazy Saturday provided fantastic weather for the fighters with temperatures in the mid-60s as fighters began to gather for pick-ups. A mild breeze and temps held while approximately 100 fighters cycled through the fields during the day. If you are not taking the time to get to the field for a few pick-ups, you are missing an amazing opportunity to try styles from around the Known World and make new friends. The earliest usually gets there around 9 am and there are often a few that stay 5 pm.
As noon rolled around, the Polearm tourney got underway. Forty-seven fighters entered a Bear Pit-style tourney. Two points for each victory, one for each loss. There were four lists, and the victor stayed in the ring for a maximum of 5 victories. The fighting was intense and required stamina to remain on the field. The winner was Sir Madic from Razaki in the Kingdom of Ealdormere with a total of 104 points.
At 3 pm, the stage was set by Falcon’s Keep as they hosted the Novice Tourney. Because of COVID, they took fighters with three years or less (next year it will be two years or less) who have not attained a major tourney, Crown, or Chivalry. The Round Robin pool tourney offered plenty of experience for the novice. With 31 entered from 8 Kingdoms, East, Midrealm, Æthelmearc, Ealdormere, Northshield, An Tir, Atlantia, and Acre all offering up their newest to compete. Roses provided tokens for Best Kit, Best Death, Most Chivalrous, and individual Rose’s Choice. The last blows of the tourney were thrown as the Kingdoms entered the field for Opening Ceremonies. Daniale Longstride from Atlantia won, Runner-up was Zaria Gangaii from East, Best Death went to Dominic della Cveina from An Tir, and Most Chivalrous went to Godfried de Coventry of Atlantia as an example to others and was chosen by the Roses and Chiv on the field. Best Kit went to Curtis Lockwood from the East and Antonius Twig Gracchus from the East.
Finally, the Marshal’s tent is also open for inspections. Make sure to have your picture ID, Authorization Card, and Medallion. If your Kingdom has an online database, and you do not have your card, they can usually look it up for you, but try to bring your own proof. The Marshals would like you to know they would like a third color for contrast on thrusting tips to provide uniform application and safety. Hot tempers flare when you get hit with something you did not recognize as a thrusting tip, so let’s be nice to each other and mark them. Besides, if you need dirty tricks to win, it is a cheap victory and not all that impressive to anyone. Don’t go to the tourney field without being inspected. If the marshal asks you about being inspected, don’t lie (yes, someone tried). Doing so will get you removed from fighting for the remainder of the War. Play fair, be honorable. Be excellent to each other.