Thieves - you are not stealing from a big greedy company but from individuals who work hard & pay a lot to bring unique & useful items to sell at Pennsic. Parents, if your child shows up with something you suspect they stole & you do nothing, you are as guilty as your child!
Mobility scooter repair. Block E10, Great Dark Horde. Ask for Dirk.
Fast and affordable mending and alterations at Historic Trade, merchant block #182
Jurasic Party -E10 on Brewer’s Road. Serving mead. Bring chairs and vessel for drinking. Hear and share stories of Pennsic Past! Look for Red Dragon fly on Gold Field.
Join us in An Tir for the 2nd Annual Rose and Thorn Symposium. The Canton of Calaphort invites you to join us Sept 29 - Oct 1 for a celebration of SCA’s Women and Gender Diverse Combatants of all disciplines.
Triggered by your medallion? Agnostic recovery meetings 8:00am at corner of Sedalia’s Way and Strand.
Madness continues through mid-day Friday at Shoppe Bohemia #208. Crystals, jewelry, lamps, stones big & small. Fox Hound & Hung the Horse are grateful to be a part of this magical community. Thank you P50!
On a point of honor, I challenge every fencer of Æthelmearc to a duel. Best 2/3 passes wins a coin from By My Hand. Warder Velvet, CRV, OBV, etc.
For Sale
Pennsic T-shirt Quilt, now hanging in The Watch, $1100. See Rowena in Caer Cinniunt, Chandler/Strand
14thC armor for sale. N31. Text or call 30-633-1571
Lady Guendalina’s snoods now at Neverland Designs @ 121 Plunder Lane
Unicorns, horses & bears, oh my! Stick horses & stuffies, games, puzzles, dolls & more. Space 28
Double wedge available on Wednesday. 18’x10’ with poles & stakes $450.00 937-903-9719
Warrior Tales & Tails Centaurs of the Jeweled Spear - Sequel to Centauresses of the Silver Dragon soon to come out. See
16’ Panther Regent Pavilion. Great cond. Poles, ropes, stakes included + 5 gallon canvas $500 in New Castle 215-799-8920. X Cargo car pod with new strap tie down kit. Same info as pavilion.
Selling cabin tent 12x14 w/12x14 fly, all ropes & stakes. $1250/OBO. Text 302-228-6491.
Wide brim straw hats $6. Neverland Designs @ 121 Plunder Lane
16x16 Panther Regent for sale at Shadowclans N33 $1500. Ask for Allais.
Love cozy mysteries? See for Three Witches in Mystic Ct. or a genius DNA scientist solving crimes.
Oval marquee for sale. Slant wall 7 ft, 18x20, includes top, walls, poles, ropes, stakes and double floor. $1000. Must pick up Fri or Sat AM. Contact Jane @317-440-6250 M04
Costume Laurel’s Pre-Estate Sale! 55+ years of jewelry, garb, fabric, trim, trinkets, treasures, mannequins, display heads, wigs/hair pieces & much more! Mediaeval Misc Space 28
My Size Barbies, Disney Princess, & more. Space 28
Need a cheap mundane tent, fly, cot or sleeping bag, right now on site? We have you covered! Space 28
Vampires Beware! We have stakes - and seam sealers, water-proofing & many other tent supplies. Also, Period Pavilions for rent and sale incl 4 on site. Space 28
Djembe for sale. Remo Leon Mobley $180. Cormac of Clan Cambion E15 410-746-5978
12th C Scandinavian tapestries available. Space 28
Panther Marquee 20x22. Used. Darmon N11 $1500 Must see.
Shower stall for sale. P/U at breakdown $100/OBO. Stop at Smugglers Cove W13 or text 703-989-5994
Panther Pavilion 12x12 Regent Tent for sale! Stakes, ropes, bags, & sunshade included. P/U last Sat. Text 860-710-3373 $1200 Firm.
Interested in a lawyer with paranormal clients? Check out Adam Martin at
Removable car top rack, lightly used, all clamps included. $150/OBO. Text: 215-272-5894
Help Wanted
Want 3 to 4 people to help pack trailer and take down tent. Last Friday afternoon or Saturday morning. Location: N15 Camp Black Lion
ARE YOU MIGHTY??? The Pennsic Independent is looking for YOU to help with tear down on Friday after 11 am and Saturday at 1 pm! Call or text 765-427-3328
Breakdown help needed on Saturday. Good pay, food, & drink, tip possible. Mediaeval Miscellanea, space 28
Lost & Found
Lost: Silver men’s ring, high sentimental value. Possibly lost along Battle Rd & Count Jehan’s Bounty. Call or text 267-966-5040 or Camp Wycked Wyern E02
Lost & Found - Children’s Fete Heraldry painted bags. Left at event have been turned in at Lost & Found
Ros, you have made this, the most memorable honeymoon I ever could have asked for. I love you my princess. From Wade
Mary of Monteale - I still miss you. Dominic
Most Wonderous IdG, Thank you for sharing 27 years with me, 25 of which in wedded bliss. Thank you also for mi nighean, who is a better person than I could have hoped for! Je t’aime, mo bhein! J.H. of B.
Put the PortaPotty lid down after use to keep the stink contained!!!
Monday night Pirate Shenanigans occurred at Bacchanalia and it proved that not even the legendary courtesans can resist the call of carnival.
Mawwige is what brought us together 10 years ago today and wuv, true wuv sees us through. Happy Anniversary Yaacov. I love you.
The Doctor would like to point out that it was ot one of his rats in the porta-castle; all of his are present and accounted for. He is obviously being framed, possily by someone who is still upset about that whole London thing back in the ‘60’s.
Sir Douglas Henry hurt his ankle a Pennsic.
We said YES! We are over the moon to announce that Wade and Ros, the Baron and Baroness of Granite Mountain, were married on June 17th. They met at SCA 50 Year, were engaged at Atenveldt 50 Year, and are on their honeymoon at Pennsic 50 Year. Huzzah!!!
To the Gentle Lords and Ladies of the Camp at the bus stop close to Cooper’s Store, thank you for patching me up and calling EMS. May the rest of the war be good. Lady Rayna the Broken.
My dear Gentles, WANTED: Return of an envelope of bills to the sum of $800. Lost at Troll. This is our campmate’s 1st event. Any information please report to Østgardr 0 E40 or text 352-270-4681. Pls don’t be bad.
Wanted: will buy inkle looms and spinning wheels. Space 20
Just laid off from real world job. Looking for employment to use my laboratory, biotech, and quality assurance skills.
Wanted: onsite storage trailer. Text 703-989-5994
If you took pictures of the Cloisonne Enameling Class, please share them with the teacher Thank you!